Ordinance 895 will be up for approval at the August 13 meeting of the Centerville Board of Mayor and Aldermen, without a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission.
The ordinance would rezone the former Levi Strauss and Co. building, on Skyview Drive, from an I-1 light industrial district to an 1-2 general industrial district at the request of M’Leah B. Webb.
Webb requested the zoning change in July due to her wish to convert the former factory into a slaughterhouse.
The Planning Commission unanimously decided on July 16 not to recommend the zoning change as it conflicted with zoning rules.
Aldermen will be asked to confirm or deny that decision. Webb announced on July 23 that she will be looking for a different town in which to pursue her business.
Five additional pieces of legislation will be brought up for a vote at Tuesday’s meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in Centerville City Hall, is open to the public and includes a citizens comment period.
Resolution 2024-22 would rehire Municipal Court Judge Jim Rice.
Resolution 2024-23 seeks to purchase equipment for the Centerville Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Resolution 2024-24 would purchase sewer collection equipment.
Resolution 2024-25 would accept a donation from the Continuing the Good Foundation for equipment to be used at the Centerville Municipal Golf Course.
Resolution 2024-26 would update water and gas deposits, cut-off and cut-on fees and water adjustment policy.