Six pieces of legislation will be up for approval at the October 8 meeting of the Centerville Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Two resolutions and four ordinances will come before the board at Tuesday’s 7 p.m. meeting, which is open to the public and includes a public comments period.
Resolution 2024-32 would award a paving bid, Resolution 2024-33 would adopt policies and procedures for the HOME grants awarded to the town by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency to assist low-income families with home repairs. Qualifying residents are eligible for a portion of $500,000.
Ordinance 895 will be up for approval on second reading. It affirms the Planning Commission’s decision not to recommend the rezoning of the former Levi Strauss and Co. building on Skyview Drive for use as a slaughterhouse. The company withdrew its interest in the location back in August.
Three additional ordinances will be brought up for a vote on first reading:
— Ordinance 896 would amend Ordinance 798, allowing a third package liquor store.
— Ordinance 897 would amend the Centerville Municipal Zoning Ordinance providing for meat processing land uses in Centerville’s industrial districts. A copy of the ordinance was not available last week.
— Ordinance 898 amends Zoning Ordinance 606 for property located at 400 Barber Circle. A copy of the ordinance was not available last week.
The meeting will be held at Centerville City Hall.