Phase two bids on the Defeated Creek basin sewer improvement projects should be announced this month, Mayor Gary Jacobs said.

Phase one of the project is all but complete; once it is, he said he would ask that the state relax a moratorium that has blocked new sewer connections along sewer lines on the north side of town.

The entire project, originally expected to cost $4 million, will end up under budget, the mayor said, and is funded by grants. Completion of the second phase is expected in July.

Jacobs also said the first phases of the $4-million water system improvement project — funded by a federal funds awarded by the county government — should be bid in October.

The project includes a leak survey to determine where replacement/ improvement work should occur. Also expected in October is a bid process on an “emergency connection” between the Centerville and Bon Aqua-Lyles water systems. An asset management plan should be complete by June of 2026, he said.

Little progress has occurred on two other grants that have been awarded: a 2022 state “multimodal” sidewalk project, from the Public Square to Mary Field Avenue; and bids on a playground equipment purchase for Thompson Memorial Park.